25 January 2009

Sangria for Young and Old...

This recipe is my version of traditional Sangria. It's very delicious and I always get major compliments when I serve this up at a party or BBQ...

I also make a kids version so the sproggies don't feel left out...

Sangria for Grown Ups

In a glass Jug put...
  • 1 sliced up lemon
  • 1 sliced up orange
  • a handful of frozen berries
  • a dessertspoon of sugar
  • a splash of Rum (or Malibu)

Then pour in some Ginger Ale until the fruit is just covered.

Get a wooden spoon and mash the fruit a little bit to release the flavours... then allow to sit in the fridge for at least half an hour (or as long as it takes your hubby to run to the shop for some red wine).

Add a bottle of cheap red wine (or up to half the jug) then top up with soda water.

Serve outside on a balmy summers evening to some good friends...
(or have a Spanish Theme dinner)

Sangria for Kids

In a colourful jug put:
  • 2 handfuls of frozen berries
  • 1 cup of lemonade
  • then top with sparkling pink grape juice...
Mix and serve in plastic wine glasses to kids with nice manners who will happily go off and play while you chat to your good friends on the balmy summers evening... :)

Mama’s Losin’ It

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