12 February 2010

Why I Love You All

I do, you know. Love You.
I've been sitting here with my coffee reading some of my favourite blogs and feeling very grateful to have "met" such a great bunch of bloggy friends.
I love the humour, the creativity. I love the cameraderie. I love the pouring out of people's souls and the encouraging words that come back.
I've heard rumours that Blogland can sometimes be cut-throat and brutal. Apparently there are bloggers who plagiarise (steal) other bloggers work; apparently there are also meanies who leave angry judgemental comments and engage in cyber-bullying. I haven't experienced any of this first hand.

I seem to have stumbled across a bunch of bloggers and blog followers who encourage and support, rather than attack and tear down. That's you! Yes, you. And I am very thankful for you.

Like the other week when I posted about my son hurting my feelings by saying I was fat... well! All the (too kind) compliments I received from you lot made me blush, I tellya.
When I was being chased by the Black Dog, you guys prayed for me, sent me emails and left encouraging comments.
When my Dad had a heart attack last year, prayers went up for him all over the world - thanks to you guys.

Blogging for me has become more than just a creative outlet, or a family record or a chance for me to sharpen my writing skills. It has become a real community of friends, confidants, allies.

An online support group. A coffee group spread around the globe.

So thanks. I mean it. I love you all.

The photos are from December when me and Gail got to meet PaisleyJade, BanBan and Weza in Warkworth for coffee. *Sigh* Looking forward to also one day meeting my favourites Widge, Meredy, Cat... having coffee and Cake with Laura in L.A., going to Disney World With Miss Obnoxious and meeting up again with Sophie and Rebecca in Oz... hey dreams are free!

(Plus, I am privileged to know and do RL coffee with Gail, Amy, Meg and Sammy. So blessed. So blessed.)

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