03 March 2010
They say, The pen is mightier than the sword.
Shared thoughts have rocked worlds
Ideas spread abroad created revolutions
Journeys told have inspired change.
Words tumble jumble mumble in my head
Sleepless I lay dreaming
of what could be
Can I find a way to put into writing
all that I have inside me?
Wakeful I toss and turn
Pages turn in my head
Pages of books yet unwritten
stories yet untold.
If you build it they will come, goes the line from the movie.
If I write it, will they read it? goes the line in my head.
In childish games, I wrote books
In make-believe I told stories.
Now half way through life
I have things to say, words to speak, stories to tell.
Would they be stories you would read?
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
That first step into the unknown, the hardest step.
I have to start somewhere.
I lay awake last night thinking and imagining how I could write my first book. I want to write a book; I have a feeling this is the year to do it. I've always wanted to write; but it's a childish dream that lay forgotten for so many years. Now, through blogging, that old dream has rekindled. But I find it hard to know where to start. I think I know what kind of book it should be; there's a few ideas that are calling to me strongly...
Self-doubt creeps in; fear and timidity... I could write something, but who would publish it? And who would read it?
I am trying to ignore those doubts. Trying to find that first step to take. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it all.
Pictures from Google Images
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