"Seeing God's fingerprints everywhere..."
Today I am seeing God's fingerprints in my daughter's creativity...
...her love of colour and attention to detail...
...her joy in creating and pride in her work...
...her distress over a precious work of art destroyed by a careless individual...
...and her painstaking rescue efforts to restore her creation...
...her thoughtfulness, remembering Father's Day coming on Sunday and doing something about it, unprompted...
...her generosity and ingenuity making a "voucher for kisses" for her daddy, complete with packaging...
...her sense of fun and joy {and finding these images of her on my camera when I went to upload}
...her beauty, her spark, her preciousness, her innocence...
I see God's fingerprints all over her.
Where are you seeing God's fingerprints lately??
{Linking up with Beki's Fingerprint Friday}