Sitting right next to me is.... Widge!!! We are having a great time!
Sometimes I have to pinch myself... Widge is kicking a soccer ball in the hall with Dash!!! (she was, honest)
Widge is setting my table with Miss Fab!!! She is taking out my recycling! And running a bath for Scrag!! (She is really earning her keep)
Widge is straightening her hair at my house... Eeeeeeehhhh! Unreal!
But mostly it just feels... normal. Like we've known each other for ever and are just FRIENDS.
So here to say hi to you all is... Widgey!!
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Widgey on my computer!!! |
WIDGE SPEAKING: Hi!!! aaaahhh!!! So excited to be here! SIMONEY is making ME a cup of tea in HER kitchen while I'm typing on HER computer. And so agree with her that this feels so incredibly NORMAL!
I've had a few moments where I have stopped and thought to myself "WOW I'm here at the great fun for kids house....sleeping in Miss Fab's beautiful bedroom, gazing at all Simoney's amazing artwork, witnessing the ironed tea towels and YES the Nappy is still on the roof!!"
And Cat wants to know what Simoney is REALLY like......weeeellll.....
Seriously Lovely. Bubbly bright and super fun! Very very cool and I feel super blessed to be invited in to her home this weekend.AND her family is as normal (ha) as mine! ;)
I feel right at home. Auckland is HUGE. And you would never catch me driving here, but Simoney is what Gail and I refer to as an "adventurous driver" she takes turns no man takes...and she's awesome at it. Bestest tiki-tour taker-rounder ever!
SIMONE SPEAKING: Righto. So we have established that we are having a great time and that while it is WIERD and FREAKY in one sense it mostly just GREAT and strangely NORMAL (and that I am a most excellent driver...)
I can testify that Widge is very cool in person. And great company, easy to talk to. So if you were wondering... yep, she's cool.
We met up with Gail last night for bloggy coffee (and dessert yum yum) and we took Widgey on a tour of the city in the dark. She liked the pretty lights, eh Widge??? (YEP)And I took this really bad photo of the city for her. I blame the camera!
But we don't have many other photos to show you :( At least not on my miniature dinky little camera. You'll have to wait for Widge's post when she gets back home...
She took cool photos of stuff like the nappy on my roof (er, yes it's STILL there *blush*) and my kids on the couch in the background and my neatly ironed tea towels. Mmmmhmmm. Oh and some cool ones where we are riding Lions. Yeah.
But aside from all that, we have been too busy being in the moment and having fun to be the photo girls.
And now Mr G has a headached and wants to go to bed, and since the computer is here in my bedroom (with Widge sitting on my chair - eeeehhh!) then we better vacate and let him sleep.
So. Just to let you know.
Widge is here.
She is Cool.
And we are having FUN.
And being really really nerdy talking about blog stuff and html and Blogger-in-Draft and widgets and gadgets and making buttons and headers for fun and thinking of PaisleyJade while we do Origami in public.
We are soooo cool.
{And still feeling really bad for Poor Lyns and with the Swine Flu :( Ohhh maaaaan. }